For guests and visitors

The Port of Longyear offers services and amenities to our visitors! Here is a small overview.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Port Lounge

Our port lounge is available for all port guests and offers free wifi and comfortable seating. You can also find amenities if you are visiting by boat.


Toilets are available to use for free for all guests and visitors to port. Showers and washing machines are available to use for a fee.


All fees can be paid through GoMarina app or our shoreside ticket machine.

Other services

Fresh water

Fresh water is available for a fee for boats that are docked at our port.


Shore power is available through 16A one-phase sockets for a fee.

Waste disposal

Common waste disposal is available onshore. For disposal of hazardous waste or oversized waste please contact Port Control.


Be aware that the Port of Longyearbyen is under camera surveillance.

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